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15 Comments on EXTRAS


Some fun additional content to help tide you over between page updates.


The world of leveL is not our own (at least not last time I checked), and it comes with a it’s own lexicon of terms and titles.  As the comic goes on, hopefully these words will become second nature, but as a helpful tool, here’s some definitions and clarifications of leveL‘s terminology!


Level – Spelled with a capital L at the beginning, this is the proper name of the megacity in which the comic takes place.
Tier – The class system of Level’s citizens.  There are Nine Tiers in total.
Tiern – A citizen of a specific Tier. (In the same way that people from America are American)
Apex Tier – The highest of the Tiers, the lawmaking class.
Securn Tier – The Security and Defense class equivalent to the military and police, ranked 2nd of the Tiers.
Medis Tier – The Medical class.  Doctors and scientists, ranked 3rd.
Educa Tier – The Education class. Teachers, researchers and students.  Ranked 4th.
Myrth Tier – The Entertainment class.  Artists, actors, musicians and athletes.  Ranked 5th.
Traden Tier – The Business class.  Anyone who learns a practical trade.  Ranked 6th.
Transpor Tier – The Transportation class.  Pilots, railway workers, truckers and mail carriers.  Ranked 7th.
Agrica Tier – The Agricultural class.  Farmers.  Ranked 8th.
Constru Tier – The Construction class.  Builders and maintenance workers.  Ranked last.
unTiern – Any person not ranking within the Tiers.  These are denizens and seen as untouchables in the eyes of the Tiern, yet still live within the city.
The Sprawl – The urban blanket that spreads across the surface of the city.
Lyths – The monumentally large concrete structures holding the higher Tiers.  Protected from the outside world, they are shells that house full mini-cities within them.
Holopaque – A structurally sound hologram, used for construction and well as permanent dwellings high atop the Lyths.
Haque – Illegal programs and codes granting access to areas and technology within Level, used by the unTiern.
Empath – A person with a mental condition that leaves them exposed and vulnerable to the thoughts and feelings of those around them.  Empaths are rendered inert and comatose as result of their condition, lost forever in the thoughts of others.
Pancea Bracers – A Medis device used to administer chemical treatment to a patient, worn around the wrists.




This is an Inspiration Tumblr I keep and throw up photos, drawings, and any content that I feel fits the aesthetic and sensibilities of leveL.  If you are a fan or architecture or concept art, you may find some things here you like…

Unfortunately, the old comic is no longer available to read online. The domain registration for lapsed and is no longer available. I’m currently trying to figure out migrating it to a new server, but as I really have no idea what I’m doing with this it is currently TBD when it will be back up. In the meantime, you can always read the new comic o_o;



Someone made a very thorough (and accurate!) entry for leveL on TVTropes. Feel free to read through and also add anything else you might have noticed!

More to come!


Oh wow, leveL strayed from my Favorites two computers ago, but I’m glad I found it again. Gonna reread the old version first for nostalgia!

Yaaaay! Glad you have you back!! The new comic is pretty different from the original, but hopefully it has some pangs of familiarity :3 I hope you like it! <3

Just read the old comic and then all of the new material. You can really see the passage of time! The art looks so much more consistent now, and the city feels a lot more fleshed-out. The place where Cael starts in the story has changed tremendously, which was a bit jarring at first, but he somehow feels more like a protagonist now. Eager to see the next installment.

With the changes to the city, I wonder if happy little Josephine is still wandering around somewhere… she had a lovely smile.

Just read the old comic and then all of the new material. You can really see the passage of time! The art looks so much more consistent now, and the city feels a lot more fleshed-out. The place where Cael starts in the story has changed tremendously, which was a bit jarring at first, but he somehow feels more like a protagonist now. Eager to see the next installment.

With the changes to the city, I wonder if happy little Josephine is still wandering around somewhere… she had a lovely smile.

Hi! I read your comic back in like 2007 or something and recently found an old forum post of mine that alluded to it that sent me looking for it again… only I see that the comic is new in a new form and the old one is a 404 not found. Is it hosted anywhere else? Please say yes.

Please bring the old comic back!! I remember reading it when it first came out– the story and characters absolutely enthralled me. I love the new comic, too! But… I’d really like to reread the old one…

p.s. We miss you, Nate!

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