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01.02.26 published on 2 Comments on 01.02.26


After a brief San Francisco-induced hiatus, it’s nice to be back leveLing and especially with such an action-y update! I had so much fun drawing this fight sequence…I remember from the last incarnation of the comic that the big crazy fight scenes were always the most fun to draw (and act out), so hopefully the good times translate in the final product :D To be honest it really made me want to animate the whole scene…would that I had the freetime for something like that :O This is the first sequence I’ve done with no speech bubbles at all…and getting to skip that step of the process was even sweeter than I’d imagined (drawing speech bubbles is notorious my least favorite part of comic-ing…trying to get the circle just right is my OCD worst nightmare) Also a sidenote to anyone with particularly keen eyes: I redesigned Fitz’s hammer for this update and will be retroactively updating the old pages where it appeared at some point…most likely right before I get the printed version ready, lol.

Beyond the update, I got feedback from some of you that the new splash page is not currently working on mobile devices…actually the new splash page is not working as intended whatsoever, we’ve run into some snags with WordPress trying to get javascript to work, but for the time being I’ve added a text link to the Latest Update and First Page that should work until we finally get the real version working. Along with that I need to do an update to the Cast Page for our new friends, so hopefully that will come next week as well!

Hope everyone enjoys the pages, the update schedule is back to normal now and there will be new pages ready again on 04/24/14, please look forward to it!


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