“That’s right, you’re being held for ‘Radiation Poisioning.'”
Wahoo, three new pages of comic!! Things are continuing to simmer between these two and you guys have a bit of backstory to chew on! I’d actually hoped to get one more page squeezed in with this update, but alas it will have to wait for the next cycle…and this still is a pretty good place to sit for a moment…seethe Cael, seethe!
Added bonus, the list of ‘Empathic Therapy Candidates’ actually contains most of my friends and colleagues, though I’d be impressed if anyone could actually make out their names at this resolution, haha. Something to look forward to for the print version of the comic X) At least Cael is in good company.
Doing some reference for these page I jumped back to the beginning of the chapter and was surprised to see have much the style is changing already O_O It makes me happy though….I set out with this project as a means to have my personal style evolve and it’s cool to see that happening so quickly :D I feel like I’ve still a looooooong ways to go but seeing a bit of forward momentum is good! Huzzah, ONWARD!
Also, I know I mentioned it in the last update but I’ve changed around a bit of the Cast page for you guys. If you didn’t get a chance to see I’ve started actually animating each characters’ profile pictures, beginning with our illustrious hero, Cael himself:
Look for more of these in the future, I’ll be working on them in the cracks of free time I’m able to scrounge up, hehe.
Next update is in two weeks, on 10/24/2013 just in time for Halloween! Hm, maybe a cast picture in costume is in order….
Until then!
Yeah ! more pages, now he gets to find out a bit more about whats going on :D
Hehehe, yes bit by bit. :D
Infertile? NOOOOOO. My future childrens!
Awwwh, no little baby Caels to run around and explode cities into water T_T
Update, here you come! But, before you get that uploaded, I wanted to commend your excellent use of dialogue here to pass on information about your world and your characters. Superbly done!