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01.01.39 published on 11 Comments on 01.01.39



Aaaaaaaaaaaand there you have it folks, the end of Chapter 01: Quiet Violence.  PHEW!  Hopefully it’s been an enjoyable ride…this whole section of the comic has definitely been something of a departure, not only from the original comic but also from what I normally tackle in terms of subject matter.  I wanted this chapter to be something quieter and more subdued, subtle in its subject matter and writing….hopefully it was something interesting and a little bit different to read.  A lot of things inspired me to make this chapter the way I did….in terms of tone I was obviously inspired by Air on the G String by Bach (did anyone catch its tie in with the prologue as well?  hmmm?), but beyond that the short film The Third and the Seventh was a huuuuuge inspiration….if you watch through that film you can probably spot some images in particular that I drew from (and you should watch it, because it’s beautiful).  Also in a strange way this chapter is my little homage to The Silence of the Lambs…it has a bit of a different spin on it obviously…but I was hoping to setup an engaging dynamic between Cael and Reagan similar to how effectively that book/film does.  It was a really interesting challenge and one that I learned a lot from.

Of course all that being said, it wouldn’t be leveL without a cliffhanger, and hopefully this one has you excited for what’s in store and have some questions running around in your heads.  I will say that I am SO excited for the next chapter to begin it’s pretty much all I’ve been thinking about for the past couple weeks.  Speaking of which, I’ve a little announcement:

With the close of this chapter, leveL will take a 3 week hiatus while I finish up pre-production for the next chapter.  In the interim I will be doing some site updates  and teaser material, so keep your eyes peeled…but CHAPTER 03 WILL LAUNCH ON 12/12/13.  Easy enough to remember, right?

In addition, to mark the chapter’s completion I put together a little soundtrack in its honor.  Interested parties can find and listen to it here:

leveL: Quiet Violence Soundtrack

The list includes the song mentioned in the chapter, other tracks I felt were thematically appropriate and also some songs I listened to a lot while making it.  It was a fun little list to put together, so I hope you enjoy :D

I’d also encourage you guys to read the chapter in its entirety now that it’s complete, as hopefully some of the pacing and rise and fall of the action will be more apparent when read in succession rather than with two week gaps at certain points, lol.  On that note, if you do go through the whole chapter I would ADORE any feedback you have, good and bad, on what you feel is working, what fell flat, and what you’d like to see in future chapters.  I know I say it all the time, but hearing from you guys is not only motivating but also helps me to improve.  So speak up!  Be a part of the evolution of leveL!

So thank you again to all those who have been along the ride for this chapter and the comic as a whole, you guys are amazing to stick with me through this project and you make it so much for to work on T_T  I’ll see you three weeks, I’m off to pre-production land! 


Liking the soundtrack so far! I went back and reread the chapter as well, picked up on a couple things I hadn’t noticed… not facts, just the way pages flowed. Very cool.

Aw cool, glad you like the music :D It’s kind of a chill list, I have found it’s really good for doing work to, lol. Ohhh, I’m curious what you picked up on, thanks for reading it all as a whole, I do think it unfolds better that way ^_^

I tweeted at you because I wasn’t able to use this comment box from my phone for some reason, but I wanted to reiterate how excited I am that you are in a position to reboot leveL. It’s well worth the wait; I’m excited to see what’s changed, what’s stayed the same. You’ve clearly improved in skill and writing ability, and your characters now blend in smoothly with the gorgeous environments (they tended to stick out a lot more before). It’s very clean and professional looking, without being sterile. You definitely retained your own personal style. =)

Can’t wait for the next installment. Bravo!

Gahh, thank you so much Luna! yeah I’m happier with the overall ‘look’ of the comic this time…learning more about environment and color and all that…it’s a tricky balance but the comic is good practice to improve…hopefully it’ll keep getting better as time goes on :D

Excited you are sticking around to see where it goes! Thanks again!

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