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01.02.37 published on No Comments on 01.02.37

“Dag, gonna be close.”

PHEW. My GOD. This is the last time I take on 2 full-page cityscape spreads in a single update. Fun and exciting as it was to draw all this and work out this section of the city, it was a long haul. Apologies for the unexpected day delay, my files were left at home and I didn’t get back to upload until late tonight (on account of a screening of How To Train Your Dragon 2. Ahh, so much fun!! :D)

Fun things ahead for the comic, including some new challenges I’ve never quite taken on when comic-making…exciting to see how this next section shapes up :D

Other than than nothing much new to report! A site redesign is underway, and one day (ONE DAY) I will have a less hectic update schedule and be able to finally work out new Cast details :X I PROMISE THIS WILL HAPPEN.

Spread the word of exciting times ahead in leveL, and leave a little comment love to let the Nate know you are out there and reading :D Next update is 06/26/14, I’ll see all you cool kids then! :D

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